What Does “Timely” Mean in the Context of Healthy, Culturally-Aware Feedback?
Fresh Ideas from Us
Many feedback frameworks imply that “timely” feedback simply has to do with urgency. Of course, sharing our observations as soon as possible after something happens is a helpful practice and demonstrates clarity and care. We suggest not waiting more than a week to give feedback when possible.
Yet, when we rush to offer hard feedback without first processing and preparing—and put pressure on others to do the same—we can unintentionally perpetuate white dominant culture and practices that don’t honor our differences.
So, to us, “timely” means offering feedback at the time and setting that is most in service to the conversation and the relationship you’re hoping to build. This includes having done your part in preparing.
Let’s be honest though…
Sometimes, even when you’ve taken the time you need to cultivate the best mindset possible about the conversation and asked the other person for permission to discuss, the conversation can still go awry. If a feedback conversation begins to veer off-course in an unhealthy and unproductive way, try the following:
Slow down, breathe, and center yourself
Return to your intention in initiating the conversation, perhaps sharing that out loud
If that isn’t working, pause the conversation and say that you both might need space to reflect separately (and make a plan to revisit if it feels feasible)
Following the conversation, take care of your mind and body as best you can (call a friend, take a walk, meditate, rest)
Ask for support as needed from a trusted colleague or someone from your people team
Quote from Somebody Else
“Time expands, then contracts, all in tune with the stirrings of the heart.”
– Haruki Murakami
Probing Question
How might you create more reliable, regular opportunities for your team to share feedback with you?