How to Create Workplaces That Uplift Black Women

Black women deserve consistently uplifting experiences in life and at work.

We know that when Black women are thriving within an organization, it's likely an indicator that others are too (Angela Glover Blackwell, Stanford Social Innovation Review, 2017).

In this relaxed hour-long event hosted by our very own Viva Asmelash, panelists share personal experiences and discuss how teams can shift from conversation to action in creating deeper emotional and psychological safety for Black women at work.

Hear from a powerful, multiracial group of women whose insights, diverse backgrounds, consistent care, and individual track records are an inspiration to all (including Viva!):

⚡ Alli Myatt, of The Equity Practice and Liberated100

⚡ Desiree Morton, of Aginci

⚡ Ellie Tumbuan, of The Justice Collective

⚡ Rachel Wyley, of Culture Kinesis

This dream panel and the themes discussed were inspired by the 2023 viral Harvard Business Review article co-authored by Viva, Creating Psychological Safety for Black Women at Your Company.

And here’s what the participants had to say . . .

  • “I'm still soaking in all of the truth shared yesterday at the LI Live event hosted by Viva Asmelash. It felt like we were sitting in her living room. The conversation was deliberate, organic, and vulnerable yet deeply insightful. It's one of the most truthful and real conversations I've ever seen be shared out for non-community members to engage with. I'd highly recommend you check it out if you haven't yet.”

  • “This was beyond inspiring! Thank you for this conversation. I can do this work for another day!”

  • “After this convo, I'm reflecting on how my liberation is bound up in the liberation of Black women. How so many people I love are affected by racism and sexism. How my child and so many other children will benefit from the courageous work of today's activists and accomplices. We are deeply interconnected, and when Black women are trusted and uplifted, we all have greater access to meet our deepest human needs.”

  • “Viva Asmelash hosted such an inspiring and fortifying discussion between Ellie Tumbuan, Alli Myatt, Rachel Wyley, and Desiree Morton. These powerhouses of equity talked about the need for white and non-Black colleagues to understand the difference between listening and witnessing what our Black women and femme colleagues are experiencing at work and in the world. Not for the purposes of solution building, Black women already know the solutions. Instead, they need their colleagues to be able to sit in their discomfort to bear witness as a way to stand in solidarity and ultimately uplift Black women in the spaces they continue to be excluded from.”

  • “This was truly the most phenomenal panel—thank you all!”

  • “Phenomenal ladies! I am beyond inspired by their courage and intentionality in creating a platform to highlight uncomfortable workplace encounters Black women experience and how to uplift and restore HOPE. Power to you all.”

  • “If you’re hoping to ever hire Black women, LISTEN TO THIS WEBINAR!!! What a gift from these five incredible women to really dig into their experiences, expertise, and advice to build workplaces that uplift the experiences of Black women.”

  • “Insightful, vulnerable, powerful dialogue. Thank you, all!”

  • “Be clear on the legacy you seek to leave in your organization and other spaces [from panelist, Rachel Wyley] Love it!!”

  • “#TeamReplay here. Thank you all for sharing your experience, advice, and hope.”


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